Enhancements and Fixes

This table lists new features and notable bug fixes in the December 15, 2020 initial release of Prodly AppOps Winter ‘21. The table is sorted initially by most-recent to oldest tracking number. Click any heading to sort the table by that column.

Update the AppOps permission sets.Some new permissions related to version control branches were added to the Prodly AppOps Admin and Prodly AppOps User permissions sets.FeatureReleaseAP-2823
VEID table not automatically provisioned.Under certain very-corner-case conditions, the VEID table was not automatically being provisioned.​FixReleaseAP-2800
Support latest Salesforce API.The Prodly AppOps platform has been upgraded to support Salesforce API v50 (Winter ‘21).FeatureAllAP-2781
Notify users when scheduled test runs execute.AppOps Test now sends you an email upon completion of each scheduled test run.​FeatureTestAP-2756
Null pointer exception while deploying a deployment plan.When attempting to use older CPQ templates with newer CPQ objects, a null pointer error was occurring under certain circumstances.​FixReleaseAP-2723
During test case creation, add ability to keep the created amend and renew records.For amend and renew, creating a test case now includes an option to not automatically discard the quote and opportunity records created as part of capturing the baseline values.​FeatureTestAP-2682
Limit number of scheduled test runs.To guard against performance degradation and system failures, AppOps Test limits the number of scheduled test runs to 10.​FeatureTestAP-2611
Baseline refresh should indicate in progress.The Baseline Status column now updates when you initiate a refresh.​FixTestAP-2583
Undo label rename on deployment result record.The Data Record Failures label on deployment result record, which inadvertently got changed when we changed the same label on the batch results to Data Record Results, has been corrected.​FixReleaseAP-2574
Scheduled test runs don’t execute correctly for India Standard Time (IST).We’ve corrected an issue that was impacting test runs in time zones that are 1/2 or 1/4 hour off of UTC.​FixTestAP-2554
Number of available connections shown on the management board isn’t always accurate.Moving between the AppOps Release, Connections, and other Salesforce tabs can result in the management board getting out of sync. Click the new manual refresh icon in the upper right to update the board.FixReleaseAP-2536
The test template name and types columns overlap.A display/rendering error was causing some columns on the AppOps Test list views to sometimes overwrite each other.​FixTestAP-2534
Display dynamic text on the New Test Case page to describe each function’s use.Instructions specific to each function now appear on the New Test Case page.​FeatureTestAP-2525
Notifications disappear too quickly.Status notifications now remain on the screen a full 10 seconds, allowing you more time to read them.​FixAllAP-2524
Long schedule expression extends past the page header end.When the scheduled test run occurrence string is longer than the column width, the complete string now appears as a popover info tip.​FixTestAP-2514
Show error message when errors are encountered during VCS connect.AppOps Release now shows success/failure messages when connecting to the version control system.​FixReleaseAP-2512
Eliminate the term “master” in reference to VCS branches.As a reflection of these changing times, we’re following GitHub’s lead and removing the term “master” from our VCS languaging.​FeatureReleaseAP-2500
Apply Test Templates page changes to the Test Cases page.Some cosmetic changes we did on the Test Templates page last release have now also been done to the Test Cases page this release.​FixTestAP-2496
Managed org card layout improvements.The information on the cards on the management board has been reorganized and improved for clarity.​FeatureReleaseAP-2485
Connection links on management board cards erroneously navigate to the org’s login page.The links now correctly navigate to the Salesforce details tab of the connection record.​FixReleaseAP-2483
Displaying tab contents sometimes requires manual refresh.We’ve resolved the issue where the screen appeared “stuck” on the blue Salesforce background when clicking the AppOps Test and AppOps Release tabs.​FixAllAP-2463
Give confirmation warning when unscheduling test runs.On the Test Runs page, on the Scheduled Test Runs tab, selecting Unschedule now presents a confirmation message before deleting the schedule.​FixTestAP-2378
Eliminate need for CONNECTION_RECORD_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION error message.On the management board, when there is no longer a valid connection record for an org, actions on the related card are now disabled.​FixReleaseAP-2368
Add governor limits related to the test run scheduler.Limits have been placed on the number of scheduled test runs and the number of simultaneous test run jobs.FeatureTestAP-2248
Back button in setup wizard deselects selected objects.Backing up through the version control setup wizard now correctly retains the objects you’ve selected.FixReleaseAP-2245
Set governor limits for version controlTo guard against performance degradation and system failures, AppOps Release limits the number of orgs, objects, fields, and records you can place under version control. Learn more in this governor limits help topic.FeatureReleaseAP-2218
Add support for Bitbucket Cloud.The change management feature now integrates with the Atlassian Bitbucket Cloud, GitHub Cloud, and GitHub Enterprise Server version control system (VCS) frameworks.FeatureReleaseAP-2129
Selecting many objects in the setup wizard causes the list to extend off the bottom of the page.The setup wizard now uses scrollable lists to view objects selected in the wizard.FixReleaseAP-1955
Long delay loading AppOps Release tab when there is an error.The speed of loading the AppOps Release tab as well as the delay when reporting an error have both been greatly improved.FixReleaseAP-1691