Deploy From Branch: Use a Data Set

This feature allows users that are deploying from a branch to select if they want to deploy All Branch Data or use a Data Set. Using a Data Set allows users to specify what data they wish to pull from the branch. Any objects selected in the Data Set which are not managed in Versioned Data will not be deployed. This feature is supported for GitLab, Azure, GitHub, GitHub Enterprise and Bitbucket.

Once you have connected to Version Control follow these steps to access the option to deploy from branch using a data set:

  1. Visit the Release tab
  2. Select the Environment you want to deploy to that has Version Control enabled
  3. Open the Environment card
  4. Under the Version Control connection select ‘Deploy from branch’
  5. A pop up will appear to confirm if you wish to deploy ‘All branch data’ or ‘Use a data set’
  6. After selecting ‘Use a data set’, select the dropdown on for Data Sets and select which data set you wish to use
  7. Select ‘Deploy from branch’

Supported Data Set configurations include simple format queries and limits, skip operations, and field selection.