Using version control for your orgs requires some initial setup. To set up version control:
- Make sure the org where your source of truth data resides is the org where you have installed the Prodly managed package (your control org).
- Release uses a single repository in your version control system (VCS) to track and manage changes you make to the data in all the orgs you place under version control. Prodly recommends starting with an empty repository containing only the default main branch. Our current release integrates with Azure Cloud, Bitbucket Cloud, GitHub Cloud, GitLab Cloud and several flavors of GitHub Enterprise Server. Refer to the Azure, Bitbucket, GitHub or GitLab documentation to correctly configure the VCS environment (access permissions, etc.) for your use case. For assistance creating a repository, refer to the related Azure, Bitbucket, GitHub or GitLab help topic.
- From the Settings page, click the General Settings tab.
- Click Set Up Integration to launch the VCS setup wizard.
- On the Connect page of the wizard, you connect Release to your VCS repository.
- In the Version Control System list, select the version control system to use for data storage and management.
- If Azure Cloud is not in the list:
- In the Salesforce org where you installed the Prodly managed package, navigate to Setup > Object Manager > VCS Repo > Fields & Relationships > Repo Type.
- Scroll down to the Values section and click New.
- Enter Azure Repo.
- Click Save.
- Specify the parameters Release needs to access your VCS account:
- For Bitbucket Cloud:
- In the Workspace box, enter your Bitbucket account workspace.
- Notice Release automatically sets Base URL to
- For GitHub Cloud:
- Select an Authentication Method.
- When Authentication Method is Personal Access Token, in the Personal Access Token box, enter the GitHub personal access token for your VCS account.
- For either authentication method, in the Base URL box, enter web address of your VCS account.
- For GitHub Enterprise Server:
- In the Personal Access Token box, enter the GitHub personal access token for your VCS account.
- In the Base URL box, enter web address of your VCS account.
- For Azure Cloud:
- In the Personal Access Token box, enter the Azure personal access token for your VCS account.
- In the Project URL box, enter the web address of the Azure project in your VCS to use.
- For GitLab Cloud:
- Select an Authentication Method.
- When Authentication Method is Personal Access Token, in the Personal Access Token box, enter the GitLab personal access token for your VCS account.
- For either authentication method, in the Base URL box, enter web address of your VCS account.
- For Bitbucket Cloud:
- Click Connect.
- Follow the VCS prompts to establish a connection between Release and your VCS for your Salesforce user.
- In the Repository list retrieved from the VCS, select the repository to use for version control.
- In the Branch list retrieved from the VCS, select the branch to use for version control.
- Select Next.
- If you wish to version Metadata select a Metadata Filter to reference.
Change the Branch Folder name if needed
- Select Next or Skip This Step
- Select the Schema org you wish to reference for Version Control data.
- In the Available Objects select the objects to place under version control. Release tracks all fields in and relationships between the objects you select.
- Change the Branch Folder name if needed
- Click Next.
- Add a Commit Message
- Select Save to Branch
If you are using this wizard after disconnecting from a VCS repository and you are currently logged in to your VCS, Reconnect replaces Connect, which allows you to easily reconnect to the same VCS account. To use a different VCS account, log out of your VCS and refresh the wizard page to display Connect.
When initialization completes, your VCS repository information appears in the Version Control Integration table.
And under the Release tab, the Branch: line appears on the control org card.