Next Generation Data Processing

Prodly’s new data processing logic was implemented to enhance performance, precision and accuracy of deployments. Users can now choose to activate this logic while running org to org deployments and for new features rolled out for Version Control deployments.

Enable Next Generation Data Processing:

  1. Visit Release Tab
  2. Visit Settings
  3. Scroll to the Next Generation Data Processing toggle
  4. Toggle on to activate

Users can activate and deactivate the feature with the toggle at any time.

Additionally, to enable Next Generation Data Processing, users must be granted the custom permission set PDRI.Prodly Next-Gen Data Deploy. This can be accomplished in two ways:

A. Adding the new Custom Permission to a Profile:

1. Access Salesforce Setup.

2. Locate and select Profiles.

3. Choose the Profile where you want to add the Next Gen Data Permission.

4. Go to Enabled Custom Permissions.

5. Click on Edit.

6. Add PDRI.Prodly Next-Gen Data Deploy.

7. Save the changes.

B. Creating a Custom Permission Set and including the new Custom Permission:

1. Access Salesforce Setup.

2. Search for Permission Sets.

3. Create a new permission set.

4. Label the Custom Permission as Prodly Next Gen Data Deploy (Prodly_Next_Gen_Data_Deploy).

5. Assign the License as Salesforce.

6. Save the permission set.

7. Access Custom Permissions within the new permission set.

8. Select ‘Edit’.

9. Add PDRI.Prodly Next-Gen Data Deploy.

10. Save the changes.

11. Assign the Permission Set to the relevant Users for Next Gen Data Deployment.

Please note that this custom permission is not part of the Prodly AppOps Admin or User permission sets and must be assigned individually by subscribers.

Key considerations:

– Failure to grant the custom permission will restrict users from deploying with Next Gen functionality.

– Users require both the toggle enabled and the custom permission granted to utilize Next Gen Data Deploy. If desired, they can disable the toggle in their settings to deploy without Next Gen Data.

Supported Features:

  1. Org to Org Deployments
  2. Deploy From Branch: Use a Data Set (Beta)
  3. Save To Branch: Use a Data Set (Beta)