Version Control for Metadata

Once you have setup your Version Control system to the Prodly app you can choose to version Metadata as needed. To do so you will need to use a Metadata Filter during setup to specify which components you wish to version. From there, you can also use Metadata Filters to determine which components you wish to include in Check-in and Check-out operations.

Check-in Metadata to a Branch:

Given that Version Control is set up correctly and Metadata has been selected during the initial setup you can use Metadata Filters in the deploy page to specify what Metadata you wish to check in to your Branch.

  1. Visit the Release Tab
  2. Visit the ‘Deploy‘ page or select ‘Save to Branch‘ on the Environment card
  3. Select a source org and a destination Branch
  4. Toggle on the Metadata section
  5. Select a Metadata Filter
  6. Select ‘Load Metadata
  7. Once loaded, click on the components to open up the compare table and view a side by side diff between the org and the branch
  8. Select components to check-in
  9. Enter a Commit Message
  10. Select ‘Save to Branch’

Check-out Metadata from a Branch to an Org:

  1. Visit the Release Tab
  2. Visit the ‘Deploy‘ page or select ‘Deploy from Branch‘ on the Environment card
  3. Select a source Branch and a destination org
  4. Toggle on the Metadata section
  5. Select a Metadata Filter
  6. Select ‘Load Metadata
  7. Once loaded, click on the components to open up the compare table and view a side by side diff between the branch and the org
  8. Select components to check-out
  9. Enter a Deployment Name and Notes (Optional)
  10. Choose to Temporarily Deactivate Events (Optional)
  11. Select ‘Deploy from Branch’