To access a Prodly Release product, an active license for the product must be associated (by a Prodly rep) with the org where you have installed the Prodly managed package (your control org). To activate product licenses for your control org:
- In the Salesforce org where you installed the Prodly managed package, launch the Prodly app.
- From the Release tab you will be prompted to request a license.
- Complete the license activation request form required fields.
- Under Products, select the box(es) for the product license(s) you desire to activate.
Ensure to select a product or no license will be activated for the product you are using.
- Click Submit to open a case with Prodly support. Prodly will contact you when the license activation and association is complete.
All attempts to access Prodly Test, deploy Prodly Release data sets, or access the Release tab fails without active licenses.