Minor Release 5 – Sep 28, 2021

Release Details 

Release name:AppOps Summer ‘21
Version name:Minor Release 5
Release date:September 28, 2021
Prodly AppOps managed package version:1.202
Prodly AppOps managed package update:No
Prodly AppOps cloud-based service update:Yes

Resolved Issues 

This table lists resolved issues in the September 28, 2021 minor release of Prodly AppOps Release.

AP-5347“Request failed with status code 500” error in Seed Sandbox during deployment objects table loading.
The error was occurring when the number of objects in the org exceeded the query limit of 4000.
AP-5344AppOps Release tab won’t load.
An ampersand in the Salesforce org name was causing problems. We now account for special characters in org names.
AP-5259Getting “An object ‘Account’ of type CustomObject was named in package.xml, but was not found in zipped directory.” error.
Deployment was failing for objects that include the GeoLocation field type.