Customize How Fields Deploy


The Settings tab of the Field Properties dialog box provides many options that allow you to adjust destination field values during deployment.

To set field properties:

  1. From the Data Set Editor, in Tabs view, click the Object Fields tab.
  2. In the row containing the field whose properties you desire to adjust, click the Properties (gear) icon.
  3. In the Field Properties dialog box, click the Settings tab.
  4. Select the options you desire to enable.
    • External ID – When selected, Release uses the field as the external ID for upserts. Refer to the topic on Release’s expanded upsert capabilities for more information.
    • Create Missing Fields – Appears on custom fields only. When selected, Release searches the destination org for the field and if not found, creates the field in the destination org. When deselected, Release silently ignores the field.
    • Sync Picklist Values – Appears on picklist fields when Sync Picklist Values is deselected on the root element. When selected, Release ensures the destination org’s values for the picklist match the values in the source org. Release adds any missing values to the destination org and deletes any destination org values not present in the source org. This checkbox appears only for picklist fields. The Standard Picklist Support topic contains a list of the picklists Release can synchronize during data deployment.
    • Set Empty – When selected, Release sets the field to an empty value in the destination org.
    • Set Random Value – When selected, Release scrambles field values in the destination org to obfuscate sensitive information or prevent unintended emails going to customers. Each scrambled value is a legitimate value for its field type, to continue to pass typical validation rules. Refer to Scrambled Value Ranges for more information.
    • Fixed Value – When selected, Release sets the field in the destination org to the value you specify in Fixed Value Input.
    • Prefix Value – Prepends the value you enter to the existing field value. Release disables this setting when you select External ID.
    • Postfix Value – Appends the value you enter to the existing field value. Release disables this setting when you select External ID.
    • Copy Relationship Value – When selected, Release copies the parent lookup field value as is, rather than performing an upsert. Users must guarantee the integrity of the ID manually. Refer to the related data deployment concept for more information.

For date and time values, you must enter them in these formats:

  • For date: yyyy-MM-dd (for example 2018-05-10)
  • For date/time: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ (for example 2018-05-10T02:59:00.000+0000)
  • For time: HH:mm:ss.SSSZ (for example 02:59:00.000+0000)

Text ID Mapping

The Text ID Mapping tab of the Field Properties dialog box specifies the lookup IDs of the data set element deployment objects you want AppOps Release to search for in a text-formatted field in the source org and substitute with the corresponding destination ID in the destination text-formatted field. Refer to the field property details topic for the list of data types available for text ID mapping.

To add a text ID mapping to a field:

  1. From the Data Set Editor, in Tabs view, click the Object Fields tab.
  2. In the row containing the field whose properties you desire to adjust, click the Properties (gear) icon.
  3. In the Field Properties dialog box, click the Text ID Mapping tab.
  4. In the Add Mapping list box, click the magnifying glass icon to show the list of available objects.
  5. Select an object.
  6. Notice Map Text IDs That Reference These Deployment Objects lists the deployment object API name and the data set containing text lookup IDs AppOps Release searches for in the source text field and remaps in the corresponding destination text field during deployment.

During deployment, for each object in the Map Text IDs That Reference These Deployment Objects list, AppOps Release maps the corresponding lookup IDs in the destination text field. AppOps Release disables this setting when you select Set EmptySet Random Value, or Fixed Value.

Text ID mapping requires that Virtual External ID as the Record Matching Method of the data set element you select. Also, the data set element you select must deploy before the current data set element, therefore Prodly recommends including the element you select in a separate data set you deploy before deploying the current data set.

To delete a text ID mapping from the list:

  1. In the Field Properties dialog box, in the Map Text IDs That Reference These Deployment Objects list, locate the object you desire to unmap.
  2. Click the Delete (trash can) icon.

Delayed Value

The Delayed Value tab of the Field Properties dialog box provides fine-grained control of field deployment relative to record deployment. The feature allows you to deploy a record with a temporary value for a field and then update the field with the actual value at a later time of your choosing.

To delay the deployment of a field:

  1. From the Data Set Editor, in Tabs view, click the Object Fields tab.
  2. In the row containing the field whose properties you desire to adjust, click the Properties (gear) icon.
  3. In the Field Properties dialog box, click the Delayed Value tab.
  4. Select either Delay on Insert or Deploy Last.
  5. With Delay on Insert selected, AppOps Release inserts records using the temporary value you specify in Temporary Value for this field during deployment, then defers deployment of the actual data in this field until after the Deploy After Child Relationship data set element deploys. Use this feature to overcome Salesforce constraints that prohibit inserts that contain certain field values. For example, Salesforce does not allow deploying active contracts. Temporarily deploying the record as a draft contract, then immediately changing the contract to active allows for deployment.
    1. Enter a Temporary Value to use during record deployment.
    2. In the Deploy After Child Relationship list, select a data set element to instruct AppOps Release to deploy the actual field value immediately after the data set element deploys or leave the selection blank to deploy immediately after the record deploys.

For date and time values, you must enter them in these formats:

      • For date: yyyy-MM-dd (for example 2018-05-10)
      • For date/time: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ (for example 2018-05-10T02:59:00.000+0000)
      • For time: HH:mm:ss.SSSZ (for example 02:59:00.000+0000)
  1. With Deploy Last selected, AppOps Release deploys records using the temporary value you specify in Temporary Value for this field during deployment, then defers deployment of the actual data in this field until the end of the deployment.
    1. Enter a Temporary Value to use during record deployment.
  2. Click Close.
  3. Click Save.