Scrambled Value Ranges


During deployment, Prodly Release can scramble the values in destination org fields for many of the Salesforce data types.

This table defines the value ranges for all data types that Release can scramble:

Data TypeRange
CurrencyRelease scrambles the numeric digits with random numeric digits.Currency fields do not contain special characters.
Date (day)1-28
Date (month)1-12
Date (year)1700-4000
EmailRelease scrambles the numeric digits with random numeric digits and letter characters with random letters. Release does not scramble special characters.
NumberRelease scrambles the numeric digits with random numeric digits Release does not scramble decimal points.
PercentRelease scrambles the numeric digits with random numeric digits. Release does not scramble decimal points.
PhoneRelease scrambles the numeric digits with random numeric digits. Release does not scramble special characters.
Text (String)

Text Area

Text (Encrypted)

Text Area (Long)

Text Area (Rich)
Release scrambles the numeric digits with random numeric digits and letter characters with random letters.
Time (hour)0-23
Time (minute)0-59
Time (second)0-59
URLRelease does not scramble http, https, or special characters. Release scrambles the remaining numeric digits with random numeric digits and letter characters with random letters.