Winter ‘20 Release Notes


The Prodly AppOps Winter ‘21 release consists of upgrades to the Prodly AppOps Salesforce managed package and the Prodly AppOps cloud-based service.

The Prodly AppOps managed package contains these products:

  • AppOps Release
    • Automates org-to-org reference data deployment.
    • Provides the ability to manage, track, and deploy reference data changes to Salesforce orgs using an integrated version control system (VCS).
  • AppOps Test
    • Automates regression testing of complex Salesforce workflows, like Salesforce CPQ.
    • Uncovers issues you unintentionally introduce during development work.

Licenses determine the products you can access.

Before accessing the software, choose the option that best applies to you:

To access the Prodly AppOps app (containing AppOps Test and the AppOps Release change management feature), you must complete the configuration steps.

These release notes contain a topic for the initial major release and a topic for each subsequent minor release, presented with version number and release date in most-recent to oldest order. To determine the version of your installation, log in to your Salesforce Prodly AppOps control org and navigate to Setup > Apps > Installed Packages.

Because of the way Salesforce handles upgrades, you need to manually perform the upgrade steps in each Configuration Steps topic of these release notes (chronologically from oldest to newest) to bring your user interface current. Completing the steps should not require more than 10 minutes of your time.

If you are installing the Prodly AppOps managed package for the first time, you can skip the configuration steps for the version you install, but you will still need to perform configuration steps for future releases.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at As you know, we appreciate hearing from you.