Minor Release 1 – Aug 26, 2021

Release Details 

Release name:AppOps Summer ‘21
Version name:Minor Release 1
Release date:August 26, 2021
Prodly AppOps managed package version:1.202
Prodly AppOps managed package update:No
Prodly AppOps cloud-based service update:Yes

Resolved Issues 

This table lists resolved issues in the August 26, 2021 minor release of Prodly AppOps Release.

AP-5215Don’t allow unmanaging the control org.
We now display “The control instance is not allowed to be unmanaged.” rather than delete the control org card.
AP-5208In Seed Sandbox, Opportunity Product (OpportunityLineItem) root object has no available object to select.
AppOps Release was mistakenly skipping checking for parent objects for the root deployment objects with no child objects
AP-5204Query filter sometimes uses wrong object.
When the object label did not match the object API name, the API name from the previous object was being used.
AP-5202Edit and Redeploy resets Validation Tests Option.
AppOps Release now retains the previous Validation Tests Option selection.
AP-5195Seeding search filter for objects does not match on API name.
We now include both object label and object API name in the search filter criteria.
AP-5192VCS commit messages are blank.
We now include messages on VCS check in, check out, and branch creation commits
AP-5183In Deploy from Branch, Deactivate All Events should reset to off.
For safety/security reasons, we now require manually selecting the toggle on each deployment.
AP-4813Deploy from Branch isn’t deploying leads.
When deploying to a sandbox, records for some objects were not correctly updating.