This topic lists the typical steps needed to create a data set. Refer to the data set editor topics for a full description of all data set creation features.
Data sets are instructions that tell Prodly Release what to deploy. Each data set contains a data set element for each object you desire to deploy. Each data set element describes which related records from its object to copy during deployment. Create and store as many data sets in your control org as you desire for all your data transfer needs.
To build a new data set:
- From the Data Sets Home page, click New.
- In the Data Set Element Name box, enter a name that doubles as both the name of the data set and the name of the root element of your data set.
- The data set editor needs to know which schema to use when you select objects and fields for deployment. By default, Release uses the schema from your control org. To select the schema from a different org:
- In the right side of the header, click the Data Set Controls (gear) icon and select Schema Settings.
- In the Schema Org list, select one of the existing connections to tell Release which org contains the schema to use during data set creation.
- Click OK.
At this point, the schema selection has changed in memory but is not saved in the data set element record until you click Save.
- In the Deployment Object list, select an object from the list of the Salesforce standard and custom objects to use as your root element. The object, its fields, and all objects with relationships to the object become eligible for inclusion in the data set.
- In the Record Matching Method list, select your desired record matching method. Refer to Expanded Upsert Capabilities for more information.
- Select the desired properties for the entire data set and the root data set element that pertain to your use case.
- Click the Object Fields tab.
- Select Copy All Fields or the specific fields to deploy.
- Select the field properties that pertain to your use case.
- Repeat these steps for each object you desire to include in your data set:
- Select the checkboxes for the related child and parent relationships you desire to include in the deployment. Each object name highlights in the list and Release creates a separate data set element for each checkbox you select.
- Click a highlighted link to access the Element Details tab of the related data set element, drilling into the objects to navigate the chain of data set elements.
- Select the data set element properties that pertain to your use case.
- Click the Object Fields tab.
- Select Copy All Fields or the specific fields to deploy.
- Select the field properties that pertain to your use case.
- Click Save.