Enabling Deletion Features in Next-Generation Data Processing


This article provides guidance on how to enable the deletion feature in your system’s settings. Please note that this functionality is only supported with our next-generation data processing, which is currently in beta.

Steps to Enable Deletions

  1. Navigate to the Release Tab
  2. Access Settings:
    Click on the gear icon to access the settings menu.
  3. Enable Next-Generation Data Processing:
    In the settings, find the option to enable the next-generation data processing. Make sure this is checked.
  4. Enable Data Deletions:
    Once next-generation processing is enabled, you will see new options appear. Look for the option that allows data deletions and enable it.
  5. Enable Metadata Deletions:
    Once next-generation processing is enabled, you will see new options appear. Look for the option that allows metadata deletions and enable it.
  6. Allow Deletions in Production:
    Additionally, there will be a separate option to allow deletions specifically in the production environment. Enabling this separately provides you with greater control and ensures safer deployments.