
This page describes an older version of Prodly SF CLI. View Latest


To authorize (or unauthorize) a Salesforce environment (not already added to the Environments page in Release tab) for use by the plugin, enter this command at the command line prompt in your Salesforce DX CLI command shell:


This table lists all the available options:

-b <nickname>,
Use to specify a nickname for the environment.
-c <comment>,
Use to include a VCS commit message.
-i <environment>,
Use to specify the Salesforce environment ID on which to perform the action.
Use to see the list of all environments added via this plugin and/or the Release UI.
Use to make the Salesforce environment available to Release and the other DX plugin commands.
-n <connection>,
Use to specify the connection record to use to access the Salesforce environment.
Use to see a standardized-format list of all environments added via this plugin and/or the Release UI.
Use to create a VCS repository branch, merge data from main into it, and deploy the data to  the Salesforce environment.
-u <username>,
Use to specify the username or alias of the destination environment, overriding any default scratch org you specified in the optional setup steps.
-v <username>,
Use to specify the username or alias of the dev hub org, overriding any dev hub org you specified in the optional setup steps.
Use to make the Salesforce environment unavailable to Release and the other DX plugin commands.
–apiversion=<apiversion>Use to override the API version used for API requests made by this command.
–jsonUse to receive an output response. When included, the response is in JSON format. When not included, no response is given.
–loglevel=<level>Use to specify the logging level for this command invocation with one of these levels:errorwarninfodebugtracefatalFor details, refer to


When you include –json in your appops:deploy command, you receive the following output when the deployment initiates:

“Deployment launched with Job ID: “<JobID>”


$ sfdx appops:deploy -p MyDeploymentPlanUses a deployment plan to deploy data to the default scratch org from the default dev hub org.
$ sfdx appops:deploy -t MyDataSet -u FixesScratchOrg -v MainDevHubUses a data set to deploy data to a specified scratch org from a specified dev hub org.
$ sfdx appops:deploy –dataset=MyDataSet – –targetdevhubusername=jsmith@acme.comUses a data set to deploy data to a specified scratch org from a specified dev hub org using long parameter names.
$ sfdx appops:deploy -t MyDataSet -d “UAT Sandbox Connection”Uses a data set to deploy data to a specified UAT sandbox org from the default scratch org using the named connection record.
$ sfdx appops:deploy –plan=MyDeploymentPlan – –source “Production Connection”Uses a deployment plan to deploy data to a specified scratch org from the production org using the named connection record and long parameter names.