Deployment plans are reusable sets of instructions that group and sequence deployment of your data sets. Use deployment plans to define step-by-step data set deployment sequences that allow steps to deploy sequentially. This approach offers fine-grained control of deployment order and minimum overall execution time. As Release executes the plan, the deployment results update live and you also receive an email when the entire deployment completes.
A deployment plan consists of:
- A deployment plan name.
- An optional description.
- An optional folder.
- One or more deployment plan steps (which deploy sequentially), each consisting of:
- A step name.
- An optional deployment order number.
- One or more deployment plan items (which deploy concurrently within the deployment plan step), each consisting of:
- The deployment order number within the step.
- The name of a data set to deploy.
- Optional event controls.
- Optional invocations.
The Deployment Plans Page
To access the page, click the Deployment Plans tab.
The page displays pertinent information for each deployment plan:
- Deployment Plan Name – Specifies the unique, meaningful name of the deployment plan record.
To access the page, click any deployment plan name on the Deployment Plans page.
The Related List Quick Links section provides links to these sections of the deployment plan:
- Deployment Plan Steps
- Deployment Plan Items
- Event Controls
- Invocations
The Deployment Plan Details section displays pertinent fields in the deployment plan record:
- Deployment Plan Name – Specifies the name of the deployment plan.
- Description – Specifies an optional description of the deployment plan.
- Folder Name – Specifies an optional folder that contains the deployment plan.
- # Of Deployment Plan Steps – Specifies the number of steps in the deployment plan.
The Deployment Plan Steps section displays pertinent fields in the related deployment plan step records:
- Deployment Plan Step Name – Specifies the name of the deployment plan step. Clicking an entry displays the deployment plan step page for the corresponding entry.
- Order Number – Specifies the ordered position of the step in the deployment sequence.
- Number of Deployment Plan Items – Specifies the number of deployment plan items in the deployment plan step.
The Deployment Plan Items section displays pertinent fields in the related deployment plan item records:
- View Item – Provides links to the deployment plan item page for each deployment plan item.
- Deployment Plan Step Order Number – Specifies the ordered position of the item within the deployment plan step.
- Deployment Plan Step – Specifies the name of the deployment plan step.
- Data Set – Specifies the data set to deploy.
The Event Controls section displays pertinent fields in the related event control records:
- Event Control Name – Specifies the auto-numbered ID of the event control record. Clicking an entry displays the event control details page for the corresponding entry.
The Invocations section displays pertinent fields in the related invocation records:
- Invocation Name – Specifies the auto-numbered ID of the invocation record. Clicking entries displays the invocation details page for the corresponding entry.