Deployment Bundles

What are Bundles?

Deployment Bundles are a way to package metadata and data*. The metadata and data are stored and saved as they were when the Bundle was created, so you can deploy the same Bundle across multiple environments without reselecting or deploying unplanned changes.

⚠️ It’s important to note that we are updating the existing Bundles. That means that older bundles won’t be available to use in the UI and will need to be created again.

*To include data in your bundles, you’ll need to toggle on our Next Generation Data Processing from the Settings page.

How to Create Bundles

To create a bundle

  1. Click the Comparisons tab.
  2. Click New Comparison
  3. Select the Metadata Filter and/or your Data Set to compare
  4. Click Compare.

You’ll be redirected to the Comparisons page and the comparison will begin running in the background. When it’s complete:

  1. Open it up from the table to view the differences in metadata and data between the two environments.
  2. Start making selections of your components and review the data records.
  3. If you’re happy with your selections, click Save as Bundle.
  4. Or, to rerun the comparison, click Compare Again.

You’ll be redirected to the Bundles page where you will see a table view showing all Bundles. Once your Bundle is saved, it’ll be ready for deployment on the Deploy page. You can view the contents of your Bundle by clicking on it from the table, or make some changes to the order in which destructive metadata will be processed or rename the Bundle.

When you deploy a bundle, you’ll see a list of components and records that will be deployed, and the operation that we will attempt to deploy with (insert/update or delete).

ℹ️ Note: Comparisons will be stored for 30 days before they expire, so you can come back to your comparison and create a new Deployment Bundle. Bundles do not expire, but in the upcoming releases, we’ll bring in the ability to delete them.

Deploying Bundles

To deploy a bundle

  1. Go to the Deploy page
  2. Under Deployment Method, you’ll see three options:
    1. Ad-hoc Deployment – this is the default option and will allow you to run a comparison and make selections from it, or select a data set or a deployment plan.
    2. Use a Deployment Bundle as a Template – This will take the selections from your bundle, and use them as a reference to fetch the latest changes from your selected source. Data deployments are not yet supported for this option.
    3. Use a Deployment Bundle – This will take the package of metadata and/or data from your Bundle to deploy it into the selection destination. No source is required for this, as it is already saved as a package.
  3. Review the selections from your Deployment Bundle and click Deploy.

As always, we welcome your feedback and questions. Please feel free to get in touch with your Account Manager at Prodly to discuss further.