

To list all or a specific change type or to create a scratch org from a change type, , enter this command at the command line prompt in your Salesforce CLI command shell:

$ sf prodly:change-types [OPTIONS]


$ sf prodly:change-types -v <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-t <value>] [-l] [-c] [-n <value>] [-u <value>]

This table lists all the available options:

-c, –createUse to create a scratch org from a specific change type
-l, –listUse to see the list of all change types or a specific change type
-n, –name=<value>Use to specify the name of the new scratch org
-t, –id=<value>Use to specify the change type Id to list the change type or to use for the new scrach org
-u, –username=<value>Use to specify the username for the new scratch org
-v, –target-dev-hub=<value>Use to specify the username or alias of the dev hub org, overriding any dev hub org you specified in the optional setup steps. Not required if the default value is already set.
–api-version=<value>Use to override the API version used for API requests made by this command.


$ sf prodly:change-types –target-dev-hub -lLists all the change types
$ sf prodly:change-types –target-dev-hub -l -t a1h3t00000JN9lhAADLists a specific change type
$ sf prodly:change-types –target-dev-hub -c -n “SO FROM CLI” -u “” -t a1h3t00000JN9lhAADCreates a scratch org based on a change type