Minor Release 6 – Oct 13, 2021

Release Details 

Release name:AppOps Summer ‘21
Version name:Minor Release 6
Release date:October 13, 2021
Prodly AppOps managed package version:1.202
Prodly AppOps managed package update:No
Prodly AppOps cloud-based service update:Yes

Resolved Issues 

This table lists resolved issues in the October 13, 2021 minor release of Prodly AppOps Release.

AP-5375Query filter shows error for symbols &, %, and #.
The query filter in seed sandbox and guided deployment now correctly accepts the symbols.
AP-5369Using Ignore Namespace and Create Missing Fields together causes null pointer exception.
Create Missing Fields was not correctly checking for the Ignore Namespace setting.
AP-5368Deployment Name should not have red asterisk.
In Seed Sandbox, Deployment Name is not a required field, so the red asterisk has been removed.
AP-5332“Username field is not specified” error.
Username was not deploying when User was the root object and the username did not exist in the destination org.
AP-4861Simultaneous deployments sometimes get stuck.
Under rare circumstances, a deadlock situation was arising when two deployments that simultaneously accessed the same record were both waiting for the other to release the record.