Disconnect the VCS Repository
To disconnect the VCS repository from the management board:
- On the Settings page, click the General Settings tab.
- In the Version Control Integration table, at the right end of the row, click the dropdown arrow and select Delete.
- In the Confirm VCS Connection Reset dialog box that appears, click Continue.
There is no undo for this action! The data in your VCS repository and Salesforce orgs remain as is, and the orgs remain on the management board, but the association between org and branch goes away. Manually delete repository branches as desired.
- If needed in the future, perform the setup steps again to reestablish your VCS repository connection.
If you are logged in to your VCS at the time, the setup wizard displays a Reconnect button, which allows you to easily reconnect to the same VCS account. To use a different account, log out of GitHub and refresh the wizard page to display the Connect button.
Connect the VCS Repository
Each Salesforce user connects separately to the VCS repository for security and audit purposes. Release creates a connection for the Salesforce user who performs the initial VCS setup. If that connection expires or another Salesforce user accesses version control, this error appears:
To connect your Salesforce user to the VCS repository:
- On the Settings page, click the General Settings tab.
- In the Version Control Integration table, at the right end of the row, click the dropdown arrow and select Connect.
- If your Authentication Method is Personal Access Token:
- Either:
- Click Connect or Reconnect to retry the existing token.
- Acquire a new token from your VCS, enter it, and click Connect.
- Click Done.
- Either:
- If your Authentication Method is OAuth, follow the VCS prompts to establish a connection between Release and your VCS for your Salesforce user.
Enable Destination Record Deletion
To enable destination record deletion for version-control deployment:
- On the Settings page, toggle Delete Destination Records.
From this moment forward, the Deploy from Branch action deletes from the destination org previously-deployed records that no longer exist in the branch. Refer to the best practices topic for details.
Filter the Managed Objects List
To filter the items that appear in the Unmanaged Objects and Managed Objects lists, making it easier to find what you are looking for:
- From the Settings page, click the Managed Objects tab.
- Locate the filter boxes in the table headers.
- Enter text strings in any of the filter boxes. The table displays only the records that match all of the criteria you enter.
- Use the up and down arrows next to the filter boxes to sort by that column.
Edit the Managed Objects List
To alter which objects you are managing under version control:
- From the Settings page, click the Managed Objects tab.
- To add objects to the Managed Objects list, select checkboxes in the Unmanaged Objects list and click Manage >.
- To remove objects from the Managed Objects list, select checkboxes in the Managed Objects list and click < Unmanage.
To alter which objects you are managing under version control:
- From the Settings page, click the Managed Objects tab.
- To add objects to the Managed Objects list, select checkboxes in the Unmanaged Objects list and click Manage >.
- To remove objects from the Managed Objects list, select checkboxes in the Managed Objects list and click < Unmanage.