Merge Branch Data


To merge data from one Bitbucket branch into another branch:

  1. In Bitbucket, navigate to the repository you are using for version control.
  2. In the left sidebar, click the + icon.
  3. Select the branch containing the data you’ve changed and desire to merge.
  4. Click Create a pull request.
  5. Enter a title and description for your pull request.
  6. Click Create pull request.
  7. View the differences between the two branches that are now earmarked for merging.
  8. Click Merge.

For more detailed information, refer to the Bitbucket topic on creating a pull request.


To merge data from one GitHub branch into another branch:

  1. In GitHub, navigate to the repository you are using for version control.
  2. Select the branch containing the data you’ve changed and desire to merge.
  3. On the Pull requests tab, click New pull request.
  4. Enter a title and description for your pull request.
  5. Click Create pull request.
  6. Scroll down and view the differences between the two branches that are now earmarked for merging.
  7. On the Pull Requests tab, in the pull requests list, select the pull request you just created.
  8. Click Merge pull request to initiate the merge.
  9. Click the drop down arrow to the right of Confirm merge and select either:
    • Create a merge commit to leave all the commits separate.
    • Squash and merge to create a single commit from all changes.
  10. Click Confirm merge.

For more detailed information, refer to the GitHub help topics on creating a pull request , merging a pull request, and pull request merges.